Russian independence day special
TL;DR: Dat is a distributed web network, and this post talks about building a clone of an old (and dead) mixtape-sharing website muxtape with it, called duxtape (github).
Suffice it to say, I am very interested.
You (probably) don’t need ReCAPTCHA
TL;DR: (probably) yes
I myself quite liked the proof-of-work captcha concept (i.e. “mine some hashes for me if you want to comment; if you want to spam a lot, it’s ok, just mine a lot of hashes”)
TL;DR: Andrew Plotkin on the Infocom ZIP dump, with an addendum by Tim Anderson
TL;DR: why babies like repetitive games like peek-a-boo, and how repetition be perceived as both boring or rewarding depending on context
Jozef Van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch - An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil
An album of nice psychedelic drones, sometimes with acoustic guitar, and generally with certain mescalinic deserty feel to them.